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Challenge the gender bias with Zarrouk Initiative

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

A Gender bias is a cognitive bias that makes individuals segregate and organize gender roles based on femininity and masculinity. In fact, the first researcher who challenged these two concepts is Sandra Bem in 1970. She developed a scale for femininity and a scale for masculinity. The Bem’s Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) is used to measure the instrumental and nurturing values that exist in individuals. However, instrumental values such as achievement, recognition, independence, and leadership are often perceived as masculine values. While the nurturing or expressive values such as support, conformity, volunteerism and benevolence are often perceived as feminine values. A player of our serious games could use the BSRI (here: as a tool of enlightenment about who is s/he? What values does s/he hold? And what does s/he need to change about herself to break the glass-ceiling?

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